A Review on Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Aspects on Heliopsis longipes

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Gangolu Yohan, Kotte Jhansi Naga Sri, N.L.D Bhavani, Lankadi Devi, P Latish Kumar, Vobhilineeni Padmaja, Vegi Navya Sri


Heliopsis longipes is a rare species of flowering plant fall in the family Asteraceae. The geographical locations for the H.longipes is states of Guanajuato, sanluispotosi, and Queretaro in north-central Mexico. chilcuague is a local name and other names include   Aztecs gold root. In Mexico the prehispanic populations believed it is a powerful medicine. The origin of chilcuague word  is in the Nahuatl because this plant was recognized as Chilcoatl (chil means spicy and coatl for the shape of its roots that’s looks like a snake).The photochemical constituents present in the plant include  sterols, tannins, phenolic compounds ( Hydroxybenzoic acid, Caffeic acid, Coumaric acid ), Flavanoids (Rutin,  Apigenin, Genistein, Quercetin, Naringenin ) and N-alkamides ( Affinin). Pharmacological studies reported  analgesic, anesthetic, antimicrobial, anti-arthritic, anti inflammatory, antimutagenic, antinociceptive, insecticidal, larvacidal, molluscicidal, proangiogenic effect and  thermal hyperalgesia(mouse) properties of Heliopsis longipes. The main aspect of this  review article includes the detailed Information of the morphological characters, phytochemicals , and pharmacological aspects of Heliopsis longipes  in an attempt to provide a direction to the researcher for further research.

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