Formulation and development of nanotechnology-based oral preparations of antidiabetic drugs using biodegradable polymer

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Mohammad Tariq, Satish Kumar Sharma


Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by elevated blood glucose levels and impaired insulin secretion. Inadequate insulin release from the pancreas or insulin's ineffective management of glucose leads to this disease.

 Material and Methods: Tolbutamide was identified and described based on the characteristics indicated in preformulation investigations, and the sample was generously provided by Quantum Drugs and Chemicals Ltd. in Tamil Nadu, India. Preformulation studies were used to assess the TBM, and the results of these investigations contribute to the development of a stable dosage form.

 Results: An effective oral formulation of TBM based on nanotechnology and biodegradable polymer was created. Clinical tests of the formulations, as well as the establishment of an in vitro-in vivo correlation for TBM-PC nanoparticles, the use of other biodegradable polymers to enhance drug entrapment, and so on, are all within the realm of possibility for future research.

 Conclusion: The use of alternative biodegradable polymers that might boost the drug entrapment, and the establishment of an in vitro-in vivo correlation for TBM-PC nanoparticles. Health care can be made more efficient and economical through the use of modern technology, which is essential to meeting the high expectations of the masses for enhanced quality of life.

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