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Objective: To determine the diameters of normal coronary arteries in a group ofadult Pakistanis and to compare the results with the data mentioned in literature.
Methodology: Cross-sectional study conducted at Department of Cardiology,Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore from December 2015 to December 2016. Studypopulation comprised of patients who had normal coronary angiograms. Thearterial segments were divided according to 29-segment model. The selectedsegments were studied by quantitative coronary angiography (QCA) method.
Results: Mean age of participants was 55.46±10.8 years, mean BSA,1.84±0.187 and mean BMI was 28.18±2.4 Kg/m . Indexed coronary diametersof males and females were not significantly different. Diameters of(PLAD) and Proximal Left Circumflex (PLCx) were larger anddiameter of left main stem was smaller in the present study compared to localstudies. Diameter of Mid right coronary (MRCA) was larger and diameters of leftmain, proximal right coronary (PRCA), mid (MLAD),distal (DLAD) and distal left circumflex (DLCx) weresmaller in the present study compared to Caucasians. Diameters of PLAD,MLAD, DLAD and PLCx were larger and diameters of left main stem and MRCAwere smaller in the present study than Caucasians of another study.
Conclusion: Coronary artery diameters may have some peculiarities as somesegments of the left stem were documented as smaller and other larger ascompared to Caucasians.