Rheumatic Fever, and Carditis at National It1tt of Cardiov ascular Disease; A Fll up Study

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Kalimuddin Aziz, A. D. Memon, Rehman, Haque


Data on 249 children with rheumatic heart disease visiting the NICVD during the period 1980 • 1985 is presented. Acute rheumatic fever was diagnosed in 95 patients. In 136 patients there was evidence of carditis but no valvulitis ESR and ASOT within normal limits. In 20 patients there was evidence of valvulitis with normal ESR and ASOT. Recurrent acute rheumatic fever was noted in 5.3% and bacterial endocarditis in 4.8%. Of these 249 1’ 17 died giving a total known mortality of 6.8%. In our study, the prognosis of a child with Rheumatic carditis remains guarded for many reasons.


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