Treatment of Cyanotic Spells.

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Kalim U. Aziz


Cyanotic spells occur, most commonly, in infants and children with Tetra logy of Fallot. The genesis of spells I a sudden spasm of the infundibulum of the right ventricle. Many other congenital cardiac malformations, in which in fundibular stenosis is a component, are also prone to cyanotic spells.

If spell continues for more than 60 minutes and the state of consciousness is unimproved consider emergency surgery and anesthesia with gases containing high mixture of oxygen. Arrange portable X-ray chest film and E.C.G continues Bicarbonate I.V as 10% solution (Add 10 CC NaHcoin 100 CC 5DW/1/5 saline) prior to shunting surgery.

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