Pseudomyocardial Infarction, Digitalis Intoxication and Hyperkalemia

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Zijad Durakovic


A 57 year old farm hand was transfered to Invensive Care Unit because of anuria and acute myocardial infarction. Several years earlier nephrolithiasis had been confirmed on both sides. Recently she had creatinine clearance 64 mi/mm., RR 200/115 mm Hg (26,7/15,3 kPa). From the beginning of 1983 her general condition deteriorated, she had melena on three occasions.

The case was one of hypovolemia and acute renal failure, together with hyperkalemia and digitalis intoxication as a result of the above, with signs of myocardial infarction. The hyperkalemia disappeared together with signs of myocardial infarction. During autopsy no signs of myocardial infarction were found, indicatmg once again hyperkaiemia as the cause of the electrocardiogram picture of myocardial infarction.

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