Exercise and the Heart: A Review

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Shehbaz Ahmed Kureshi


From the available epidemiological, clinical and experimental data it appears that one must accept that habitual physical activity plays a protective role in human atherosclerosis, mainly coronary heart disease. Habitual physical activity may be a decelerating factor in atherosclerosis and atherogenesis and would help these people to remain relatively immune to this epidemic disease of our modern civilization. Physical activity should be advised to all as man is atherosclerotic by nature, and available data is certainly convincing regards its protective nature. Certainly it would be expected to play a protective role against the development of coronary atherosclerosis. Physical activity also forms an important aspect for better rehabilitation of patients suffering from CD. If we change our way of modern life and among other factors maintain physical fitness by more muscular labor or exercise, we may be able to save our coronary arteries and thus our heart. In the end let us remember an age old advice, you must use more exercise, eat less or be sick


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