Real Time Two Dimensional Echocardiography In The • Diagnosis Of Left Atrial Myxoma

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Susil C, Munsi DM, Satyavan Sharma, Mnams, Ashok Bhupali, M.G Pillai, Bhattacharya


Echocardiography (1-8) is an established screening procedure in cases of suspected left atrial myxoma. Generally M mode echocardiog raphy is adequate either to confirm or to rule out the presence of an atrial myxoma though falsely negative or atypical (9-12-15) findings have been reported with M mode study.
2 D echo has been used (13-16) to diagnose left atrial myxoma and has distinct advantages over M mode echocardiographyas well as other investigative techniques.


Because of the infrequent occurrence and the nonspecific signs and symptoms, the clinical diagnosis of atrial myxomas was rare prior to the advent of echocardiography (17-18). Echocardiography has changed the status of these tumours from unsuspected surgical surprise or pathological findings to readily diagnosed entities.  In conclusion, the 2 D echocardiographic technique provides detailed information and is at present the best technique to diagnose cardiac turnurs.

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