Acute Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Carditis in Children:

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Razia J. Rahimtoola, Hamid Shafqat, Afroze Ramzan



This study comprises of 110 cases admitted between January 1972 and June, 1975. History was taken and the cases were examined in detail and Rheumatic Fever was diagnosed according to modified Jones Criteria (Jones 1955), with additional qualifications suggested by Irvington House Group (Feinstein 1962).There is a teacher and occupational therapist the Hospital who taught the long stay patients after the acute condition had improved.


Table 1: Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Carditis in Children 197375_73.  Out of 52 cases left after treatment in hospital, 90% were followed up for one year, 64.2% for 2 years and 58.9% for 3 years. Of the Carditis cases, 19 were better, 6 same and 7 worse. The . latter have been admitted again with repeated attacks of Cardiac Failure. Of the complications 1 had Atrial Fibrillation, 2 had SBE and 7 were left with CCF. 14 cases had relapses. Of the latter 11 were cases associated with Arthritis and 4 of these developed Carditis, and 2 cases of Chorea also developed Carditis.


Rheumatic Fever is as common in Pakistan as ir other deveoping countries. It is a serious disease and carries a high mortality. This may be related to local yirulence of streptococcal infect ion, over-crowding, malnutrition and various other factors prevailing in Pakistan. There should be a community vide programme for prevention and prophylaxis, involving health agencies, school health department, voluntary groups and committee organised by the medical association.

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