The Prevalence and Variability of EtctrocardiOgraphiC Changes Indicating lschemic Heart Disease: A Population Survey and Follow-up.

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Zijad Durakovic, Milorad Mimica



• Table I shows Q. S-T, T distribution according to sex in 1969. The finding of Qwave was more frequent in men then in women (0.8:0.4 per cent. S-T segment depression 1 mm or more was twice as frequent in women than in men (0.6:0.3 per cent). Depression of 0.5-0.9 mm was more than three times as frequent in women than in men (2.7:0.8 per cent), and dCI)rcssjon up to 0. mm was also more frequent in Women (0.5-33 per cent). S—T segment depression was seen in a total of 4.4 per cent men and in 11 .8 per cent of women.
The finding of inverted T wave of 1-5 mm remained constant in 58.5 per cent after a period of 3 years, whereas in 24.6 per cent the finding had disappeared. Inversion of up to 1 mm remained constant in 56.6 per cent and had disappeared in 38.8 per cent.


In this ilwestigation of a representative sample aged 35-54 years a significant Q wave was seen in 0.6 per cent. It was twice as freq uent in men than in Women and was most often found in the 45-49 age group. In this investigation we noticed that twice as many of oUr test subjcct (35.3 per cent) had a deeper depression of the S-T segment than those that showed a lower inversion of the T wave (16.5 per cent following exercise, which agrees with Robb Ct al. (1967).

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