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N. M. Anasari


11 patients of constrictive pericarditis with their clinical findings are described out of which 7 were subjected to Surgery. Tuberculosis appears to be the probably etiological factor in all the patients. None of cases showed pericardial Cacification as reported in Western Literature.
The condition results from dense fibrosis with thickening of pericardium and obliteration of the pericardial space following acute sero fibrinous pericarditis. This condition which is relatively uncommon in ‘Western Countries is frequently seen in Pakistan. In most of the series reported in Western Litrature the cause is obscure. In the series reported by Gimleete Histological evidence of Tuberculosis was pres ent in 13 out of 41 specimens. The majority of the cases are believed to be the result of past tuberculosis infection which was not clinically recognised, more recently pericardial constrict ion is known to follow viral pericarditis, collagenopathies particularly rheumatoid Arthritis, amoebic pericarditis, Radiation, Pvogenic and Malignant infiltration.

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