Relationship Between Smoking and Blood Pressure Among University Students

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Mohammed Hakim Shamran Al-Hchaim, Alaa Hamza Hermis, Hassanain M. Kadhim AL-Mamoori, Noor M Abdullah Al- Tmimi, Abeer Miri Abdullah, Mahdi Saleh Hadi


Objective: aimed to assess university students for smoking, blood pressure and to find out the relationship between blood pressure for students' and smoking and demographic data. Methodology: A descriptive study was carried out through the present study in order to achieve the early stated objectives. The study was beginning from November, 2nd, 2018 to April, 18th, 2019.  The study is conducted in Al-Najaf City/ In different faculties of the Kufa University. A non-probability (convenience sample) of (100) smoking students, from Kufa University. They are 86 males and 14 females. The following methods and devices were used to compile the data: The first section is a set of structured interview questions, while the second section consists of objective measures. The research found a strong association between high blood pressure and two modifiable risk factors—cigarette smoking and body mass index. The prevalence of hypertension and prehypertension among college students is increasing, the research found. The findings suggest that more attention should be paid to adolescent health care, particularly for the early detection and prevention of high blood pressure, and that health education for university students and young people should be improved to better reflect hypertension as a disease and its associated risk factors.

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