The comparison of surgical outcomes and complications for patients undergoing percutaneous nephrolithotomy under spinal anesthesia and general anesthesia

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Dr. Ajay Anand VA, Dr. R.M.Mulla, Dr. Ghanashyam Jadhav


Aim: The comparison of surgical outcomes and complications for patients undergoing percutaneous nephrolithotomy under spinal anesthesia and general anesthesia. Material and methods: The current investigation had 60 patients in all, who were roughly split into two study groups. Group A patients had percutaneous nephrolithotomy while under spinal anesthesia. Group B includes patients who received percutaneous nephrolithotomy while under general anesthesia. All patients' complete clinical and demographic information was gathered. All patients' preoperative biochemistry profiles were compiled. Both study group participants received the appropriate kind of anesthesia. Results: Patients in groups A and B had mean ages of 49.11± 4.25 and 48.32± 5.22 years, respectively. Group A had 18 male, whilst Group B contained 16 males. The patients in groups A and B had respective mean weights of 70.25±7.89 kg and 71.55± 8.85 kg. The mean height of the participants in group A was 165.11±4.58 cm, whereas the mean height of the individuals in group B was 166.01±5.58 cm. In the current investigation, the stone was found on the left side of 20 participants in group A and 17 subjects in group B, and on the right side of 10 patients in group A and 13 subjects. Surgery took an average of 116.58± 5.98 minutes and 113.88±6.39 minutes on participants in groups A and B, respectively. Conclusion: Patients having percutaneous nephrolithotomy are candidates for either spinal or general anesthesia, according to the authors' findings and conclusions, both types of anesthesia are equally successful in achieving the desired level of patient relaxation and comfort. On the other hand, it is suggested that further research be conducted in order to properly explore the findings.

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