The Effects of Planned Program on Nurses ' Practices for Intramuscular Injection Among Pediatric

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Mariam Majeed Fahd, Adraa Hussein Shawq


Background & Objective: Inappropriate practice and medical error during intramuscular injection can lead to series of complications especially among pediatric. The study aimed to determine the effect of planned program on nurses ' practices during intramuscular injection.

 Methods:  A quasi-experimental design conducted in Mohamed AL-Mousawi Hospital for Children in Iraq. A non-probabilities sample of (40) nurses divided in two groups, interven and control groups. The planned program was constructed based on CDC guideline(2018) [1] Nurses practice were evaluated by using checklist observation scale. The data was analysis by SPSS program.

 Results: The finding showed, (30%) of nurses’practeic were inadequate before application planned program. However, after program intervention most of nurses recorded adequate level of practice. While the nurses in the control group still scored at inadequate level of practice. The study showed a significant difference among interven  group  practice  during study  period at P value (0.05) .

Conclusion:The planned program has significant effects on improve nurses practice for IM injection among pediatric.

Recommendations:Adapt the planned program as guideline to develop nurses’ practice about intramuscular injection for pediatric, reduce IM injection administration as possible among young children.

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