A Study Of Factors Associated With Adherence To Treatment In Patients With Epilepsy
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Introduction-Non-adherence to antiseizure medications is one of the main reasons for the
treatment failure and seizure recurrence.
Objective:-Evaluation of adherence and its association with belief about antiseizure drugs
in patients with epilepsy were examined
Materials and methods: This was a prospective, cross sectional study in patients suffering
from epilepsy in the department of neurology for a period of 6 months. Patient adherence
and persistence in long term continuation of treatment was assessed by using the Modified
Morisky Adherence Scale and beliefs about medicines questionnaire scale.
Results:A total of 100 patients were enrolled out of which 46% of the patients were
adherent, 54 % were non adherent to their medications. GTCS was the commonest seizure
(58%) followed by partial seizures (41%) and unclassified seizures (1%).
Levetiracetam(37%) was the commonest drug prescribed, followed by valproic acid(24%),
carbamazepine(19%), oxcarbazepine(14%), phenytoin(5%), phenobarbitone (1%). Male
patients were found to be more adherent to drug therapy as compared to females.
(p<0.05).Participants with higher education were highly (73 %) adherent to antiepileptic
drugs followed by high school (37%) and primary school 33%). Specific necessity score
was significantly more in adherent group as compared to nonadherent group. Patients who
believed that antiepileptic drugs do more harm than benefit were significantly more in nonadherent group.
Conclusions:Patient with high educational status, positive attitude and belief toward
therapy found to be more adherent to their medication. Assessment of adherence to
medication and counselling should be routine part of management for the betterment of
health care and quality of life.
Keywords: Epilepsy, adherence, Modified Morisky Adherence Scale, Belief about
medication score.
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