Myxoma Originating From Right Ventricular: Out Flow Tract

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Khalil UR Rehman, Farooq Nazir


Myxomas are the commonest primary heart tumours and majority occur sporadically. Fifth dec ade is the mean age of presentation and two thirds of the patients are females. However, the age of present ation varies from 3-83 years. More than 80% occur in the left atrium and are often solitary, although myxomas of the right atrium, both ventricles have been described which may be even multiple as well.

The patient in focus is a 28 years old female with non-specific features like fever, malaise, anaemia and jaundice. She had a pulmonary infarct and a persistent freely mobile echogeni c m ass. The possibilities could be subacute bacterial endocarditis, a thrombus or some tumour; myxoma and papillary tumour can be conside red in this regard. The possibility of SBE was ruled out by serial negative blood cultures.

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