Gender Bias And Heart Disease In Women

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Azhar Faruqui


Lately, there has been a lot of discussion, especially in the American Medical literature, about heart disease in women, and whether there is a “gender-bias” in its recognition and management. Argumentsfor and against are still hurtling back andforth in medical literature space. What are thefacts in Pakistan? Unfortunately, we do not have t!efacts known to us in Pakistan. However, we have data availablefrom clinicaistudies and afew population surveys that tell us a very scary story. Why then one may ask; ifthere are more women in the population, and, if women live longer than men, and, ifthey have moreprevalence ofcardiovascularproblems, are seen in equal or larger numbers in the out-patients; do we see less women admitted in the wards, in the diagnostic departments andfinally having lessprocedures andless surgery?


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