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Objective: To evaluate the effects of nutritional counseling on weight loss inoverweight/obese patients with established coronary artery disease (CAD).
Methodology: This was an interventional study conducted in Preventive section,Cardiology Department, Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. The study wasconducted from January to September 2018.Data was collected from 200 CADpatients with BMI 25 and above. Out of these, subjects fulfilling inclusion criteriawere selected. Baseline data from all subjects including demographic andanthropometric data was recorded. The caloric intake was calculated and a hearthealthy diet plan with more vegetables, fruits and whole grains and reduced fatswas recommended to subjects. The subjects were advised to follow the diet planfor 3 months. There were 2 follow up visits spaced at 6-week intervals. At the endof 3 months each subject was weighed again and waist circumference wasmeasured. BMI was recalculated and difference in before and after nutritionalcounseling was noted. Data was analyzed by statistical program for socialsciences SPSS version 16.
Results: Out of 200 CAD patients, a sample of 50 subjects was included inanalyses. Mean age of subjects was 52.12±10.37 years. Males were 42%.Among the subjects 22% were educated,88% had poor SES,86% pursuedsedentary life style. Diabetes was documented in 50% and hypertensionrecorded in 76% subjects. Mean BMI and before and after nutritional counselingwas 31.33±3.92 kg/m and 27.97±3.28 kg/m (p<0.001)..Waist 2 2circumference reduced from 41.41 ± 3.47cm to 37.62± 2.7cm (p<0.001).Weight reduced in 80% subjects.
Conclusion: Nutritional counseling was effective in weight loss inoverweight/obese patients with coronary artery disease in a majority of patientswith significant reduction in weight and BMI.