Traumatic Left Ventricular Aneurysm

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Mohammad Ali Khan, Sultan Mahmood, Tariq Nishtar


Cardiac ventricular aneurysms are by and large ischemic and tend to develop following a transmural myocardial infarction. In the minority of cases, the cause may be congenital, infective, traumatic or idiopathic. While post infarction ventricular aneurysms and those which follow cardiac surgery are common, traumatic aneurysms after accidental trauma are rare. We report a case of a true left ventricular aneurysm caused by a bullet injury.


The etiology of ventricular aneurysm was discussed in detail by Schlitcher et al (1954) and others. The causes may be classified as: Congenital and Acquired (Harley et al, 1969). Acquired. eauses include: ischaemia (Myocardial Infarction), trauma, i.e, accidental myocardial damage; closed, or open surgic altrauma such as closed and open cardiac operations.Our case presented with early signs of left ventricular failure and typical physical signs suggestive of left ventricular aneurysm, having typical radiological electrocardiographic and Echocardiography signs. Angiography would have delineated detailed anatomy of the aneurismal sac and would have been helpful in management. Surgical excision of this unique type of left ventricular aneurysm could have been curative.

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