Anterior And Inferior Myocardial Infarction With Normal Coronary Arteries

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R. Katira, S. K. Dwivedi, R. K. Saran, Naveen Chandra, V. S. Narain, V. K. Puri, M. Hasan


Myocardial infarction with angiographically normal coronary arteries is being increasingly encountered in younger patients. Such cases have an excellent long term prognosis and are to be managed conservatively. We present one such case that we came across.

Ischaemic heart disease has been considered to be the consequence of atherosclerotic obstruction in the coronary arteries, which renders them unable to meet the increased metabolic demands of the heart1. Recently it has been observed that in about 6% of patients of acute myocardial infarc. tion, coronary arteriography reveals normal coro nary arteries4.

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