Prevention of Infective Endocarditis in Dentistry

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Qiamud Din


Infective Endo-carditis remains one of the few ways by which the patient can die as a cons equence of dental treatment - (1). Dental practitioners are aware of this hazard in susceptable patients, but are often in considerable doubt about how to minimize the risks, since the recommendation, from the medical profession as to desireable prophylactic antibiotic regimens have varied widely in term of routes dose and timing of administration. About 30 percent of patients with rheumatic valve disease are completely unaware of having had rheumatic fever. Furthermore there may be an asymptomatic congenital defect, e.g., bicuspid aortic valve, the existence of which may be unknown to the patient. Therefore even the most careful dental surgeon has to accept the possible embarrassment of patient developing infective endocarditis inspite of a completely ‘safe’ history.


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